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On the rare occasion you may have a complaint you can contact us on
In In the first instance any complaint should be addressed to the Consultant mentioned in the original agreement. If this Consultant is not available then another Consultant may be suggested as a replacement to liaise with
If the Consultant does not handle the complaint to your satisfaction and/or within an appropriate time frame, you should escalate the complaint to indigo Compliance Officer in writing. To do this please email: In accordance with industry practice please allow us 8 weeks to review the complaint and provide you with our decision. This decision will be sent to you in writing via email and will either uphold or reject your complaint. If we uphold your complaint, we will liaise with you for the appropriate solution. If we reject your complaint, we will clearly state the reasons why we have rejected it
If the steps above are not conducted to your satisfaction or you disagree with the resolution you can then consider escalating your complaint to the Securities and Commodities Authority. Indigo is regulated in the UAE by the Securities and Commodities Authority [SCA]
Failing resolution via the aforesaid remedies a continuing dispute or disagreement can be referred to and settled in accordance with the state laws and courts of the Emirate of Dubai and the federal laws of the United Arab Emirates.
Our recent research and thoughts on the latest market advice, pensions and how to correctly invest your wealth.
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